Friday, March 30, 2012

bad chip

there must be something seriously wrong with me,,, i mean i am after all in Curacao,, i work only 6 to 7 hours,, i earn enough,, compared to others i am very blessed
Still i feel depress, so,,
i tough that would go away after my brother got better or came back to work,,
but no
somehow i don't feel satisfy,,, i am grumpy and moody,, and most definitely not happy.
what am i missing here?
i miss silvestre,,, a great lot,,, i miss colombia,,, i don't feel like doing anything,,, i don't even like so much the food i use to like,,, like ice creams,, i try them and i don't even want the second bite,,or lick,,, however it is said..not even the movies that used to change my mood do it for me

That doesn't look nice on me, i mean,,, there is that emo thing about people that always want to kill themselves and feel so depress, but lets be honest,,, i can't pull the emo off,, you need to be skinny and pretty to do it,,, like helena,... i only would be the fat chick with the black clothes,,, i don't even have enough hair to do the emo haircut... maybe if i use the wig,,,

No i can't pull the cute, hot dark emo girl off,, so that is of the table.

so what to do,,, i mean after all it is all actitud and is it only me who can decide to change that.. but it doesn't seem that way to me now,,, i just feel moody and the moody i stay the moodiest i become,,,,
Maybe i need to see candy candy again..

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