Monday, January 31, 2011


hmmm,,,, sooo many things to tell,,,
I went to Girardot with some friends...and had fun,,loads of fun,,, played rol in the pool,,,burned my back,, in a very very inconvenient place,,,, the freaking only place,,, with pressure all day long,, grrrrrrrrrrrrr... played cacho, ring of fire,, and loads of loads of cultura chopistica,,, amazingly its been one of the only weekends with me very sober even though I drank a lot,,, maybe the heat and loads of swimming...well that is great!

I also had my first class as a teacher today,,, had only 8 students,,,but it was nice,,,and quick,,, way too quick,,, i either prepare more material,,, or star talking slower,,, anyway,,, the nice thing is that i didnt have many social concious students,,, i hate those who think a movie is only good if it has a social critic,,, bah,,,, a movie is for entretainment and laisure,,, a place to go,, for 2 hours, and forget about your life.... so,,, yeh that is what we call a hollywood movie,,, my students seem to like that trent.

I am happy but worried,,, i mean,,, why is that if you are happy you have to want to make everyone else happy??,,is it because you cant never be completely happy if the people you care about are unhappy?.. cant be cos you are the one who decides wheter you are happy or not,

I have a friend i wish i could be her family, cos i feel she is def missing that ,, seriously,, and reverse so many things in her life,,, but no,,,i guess you can only advice,, and make your best effort to be there...which i try to do,,, but people is the one that has to want.

Then i have this other one feeling blue,,, then also of course my brother who is allways on the blue..

I remember when clau-chan was so depressed for months i used to take her out,, to my fav places,, and talk to her a lot,,,hahaha,,i remeber the botanical graden trips,, just to have a picnic and sleep under a tree... of course only until she finally decided she is the only one who could make herself happy she stopped being soo depressed,,, but i like to think i´d help... cos i can see myself in some of her actions nowdays,,,

that is a very arrogant complex i guess ,,, wanting to make everyone happy,...and enjoy everything in life,,, even the bad things...i guess i would have to give them my very bad memory,,, cos i got to say,,,its probably one of my best tools...
anyway i wish i could,,, but i guess i can only do just that,.. advice,,, have fun with them and be there,, allways...

Oh yeh,,, and me and my very unorganized self lost 80 box,,, o now i am sooo freaking out of money,, i had to ask my parents to lend for the bus to work this morning,,, hate that...

No photos yet,, but here a video

Not what i had in mind,,, but i liked the video

and a song i love

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