Wednesday, January 26, 2011

HOla profe!!!

lets do this quickly,,,i have to wake up at 4:50 am to be able to take the bus at 5:50 to arrive at 7:00am to uni..

Today,,, was a funday,,, being a teacher from a Catholic university is different,,, soo many rules,,,hahaha,,but it is fun,,seriusly,,,soo i am looking forward to next monday with my students,,, also,,, was absolutely weird to be called when i arrive to the faculty or anywhere at the uni,,, everyone calls me by teacher diana,,, or just teacher,,,,weird,,weird,,,,but nice in some kind of way..

later in the nite i went out for my first nite biketrip around the city,,, it was sooooo much fun,,,seriously ,, going through the city at nite on the bike is the best thing ever,,,the wind,, the people,,,i dont know how many people were there, but i would say at least 30,,, soo some of them (the ones in charge)stoped the trafic and then a whole herd of people on bikes just took the road,,,me among them,,, awsome!!!!! Also meet and american girl called Lee or Lea,,, she was fun,,, we ended planning a hicking trip on the 6 of february,,,so,,,yeii fun!!

The only downside,was that it seems like todays was a long trip,and so we arrived very late to the ending point,, 10:35 pm,, and the person who said that was going around my house,wasn´t there,,so i was like O.O ,,,, i had two options either going with some people who stopped 20 blocks before my house in an horizontal way or going with some people who stopped 20 blocks before my house in a vertical way,,at 10:50 pm nite in bogota,, trough a bunch of snob neiborhoods,,that are ususally dark and alone,,hmmmm,,,, in the end,,, i got scared,,, ended calling my star taxi,, and asking him if he could fit my bike,,, after 20 minutes trying,,,we ended up taking ou the brakes and front wheel,,, so after $8.000 i was home, my only thing sore tonite is my pocket,,,hahahahaha...

I´ll def do it again,,but i need to know the people i am going back with for sure,,and be sure they are going,,,so,,unless helena goes or clau goes and come back with me ,,,i dont know how i will do,,,cos i cant pay,,that amount of money every wednesday...anyway,,it was fun.. Amanecera y veremos,,

here the uni I will be teaching on

and some old photos of the nite bike trip,,,


Geekpadawan said...

why do you use "hola profe" as tittle?

i'm very happy you enjoy it, the problem of last night i was the rain shit, every one got a little cry baby and say: "yo no me mojo" "me enfermo" "me ensucio" and don't understand the fun on all of that, even once we travel in the middle of a "water strom", and everyone has to much fun.

aaaahhh the old days.

Dilo said...

Se llama hola profe,,,,porque asi me dicen en la U.... profe tal,,, profe mire esto,,bla,,bla,,bla,,,,

Geekpadawan said...

jajaja no te diste cuenta anoche en el ciclopaseo que habían varios "profes"

Dilo said...

yep,,,,por ahi chismosee,,, lo que decian,,,,