Monday, January 31, 2011


hmmm,,,, sooo many things to tell,,,
I went to Girardot with some friends...and had fun,,loads of fun,,, played rol in the pool,,,burned my back,, in a very very inconvenient place,,,, the freaking only place,,, with pressure all day long,, grrrrrrrrrrrrr... played cacho, ring of fire,, and loads of loads of cultura chopistica,,, amazingly its been one of the only weekends with me very sober even though I drank a lot,,, maybe the heat and loads of swimming...well that is great!

I also had my first class as a teacher today,,, had only 8 students,,,but it was nice,,,and quick,,, way too quick,,, i either prepare more material,,, or star talking slower,,, anyway,,, the nice thing is that i didnt have many social concious students,,, i hate those who think a movie is only good if it has a social critic,,, bah,,,, a movie is for entretainment and laisure,,, a place to go,, for 2 hours, and forget about your life.... so,,, yeh that is what we call a hollywood movie,,, my students seem to like that trent.

I am happy but worried,,, i mean,,, why is that if you are happy you have to want to make everyone else happy??,,is it because you cant never be completely happy if the people you care about are unhappy?.. cant be cos you are the one who decides wheter you are happy or not,

I have a friend i wish i could be her family, cos i feel she is def missing that ,, seriously,, and reverse so many things in her life,,, but no,,,i guess you can only advice,, and make your best effort to be there...which i try to do,,, but people is the one that has to want.

Then i have this other one feeling blue,,, then also of course my brother who is allways on the blue..

I remember when clau-chan was so depressed for months i used to take her out,, to my fav places,, and talk to her a lot,,,hahaha,,i remeber the botanical graden trips,, just to have a picnic and sleep under a tree... of course only until she finally decided she is the only one who could make herself happy she stopped being soo depressed,,, but i like to think i´d help... cos i can see myself in some of her actions nowdays,,,

that is a very arrogant complex i guess ,,, wanting to make everyone happy,...and enjoy everything in life,,, even the bad things...i guess i would have to give them my very bad memory,,, cos i got to say,,,its probably one of my best tools...
anyway i wish i could,,, but i guess i can only do just that,.. advice,,, have fun with them and be there,, allways...

Oh yeh,,, and me and my very unorganized self lost 80 box,,, o now i am sooo freaking out of money,, i had to ask my parents to lend for the bus to work this morning,,, hate that...

No photos yet,, but here a video

Not what i had in mind,,, but i liked the video

and a song i love

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dia lento,,,

Bueno por fin he terminado el programa de los alumnos,, weee,,, me encanta,,,espero estar al nivel esperado,,,y que les guste la clase!!! Eso si,,,al parecer soy una profe que pone muuuucho trabajo,, pero si lo hacen todo me van a agradecer cuando tengan trabajos para el reel profesional.

Mañana finalmente termino capacitación de docentes,, y me voy de paseooooooooooooooooooooooo,,,, weeeeeeeee,,, de verdad tengo muchas ganas de ir a este paseo,,, espero pasarla super,,, y no pasar muchas vergüenzas...

Hoy ha sido un día lento,,,probablemente el highligth del dia fue,,, hmmm,,, un profe que también esta en mi facultad que me recuerda mucho a Ben Edwards ,, un amigo de la u de Bond,,,, ,, el tipo esta reeee bueno,,,pero como raro,,, de los tipos buenos,,, es bien arrogante y como snoob,,, habrá que ver si solo es la primera impresión y a lo mejor es un buen muchacho,,,,jajaja en fin,,, me voy a hacer maleta,,,

hmm foto de ben,,,(wow ahora que veo las fotos,,, es impresionante lo igualitos que son)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

HOla profe!!!

lets do this quickly,,,i have to wake up at 4:50 am to be able to take the bus at 5:50 to arrive at 7:00am to uni..

Today,,, was a funday,,, being a teacher from a Catholic university is different,,, soo many rules,,,hahaha,,but it is fun,,seriusly,,,soo i am looking forward to next monday with my students,,, also,,, was absolutely weird to be called when i arrive to the faculty or anywhere at the uni,,, everyone calls me by teacher diana,,, or just teacher,,,,weird,,weird,,,,but nice in some kind of way..

later in the nite i went out for my first nite biketrip around the city,,, it was sooooo much fun,,,seriously ,, going through the city at nite on the bike is the best thing ever,,,the wind,, the people,,,i dont know how many people were there, but i would say at least 30,,, soo some of them (the ones in charge)stoped the trafic and then a whole herd of people on bikes just took the road,,,me among them,,, awsome!!!!! Also meet and american girl called Lee or Lea,,, she was fun,,, we ended planning a hicking trip on the 6 of february,,,so,,,yeii fun!!

The only downside,was that it seems like todays was a long trip,and so we arrived very late to the ending point,, 10:35 pm,, and the person who said that was going around my house,wasn´t there,,so i was like O.O ,,,, i had two options either going with some people who stopped 20 blocks before my house in an horizontal way or going with some people who stopped 20 blocks before my house in a vertical way,,at 10:50 pm nite in bogota,, trough a bunch of snob neiborhoods,,that are ususally dark and alone,,hmmmm,,,, in the end,,, i got scared,,, ended calling my star taxi,, and asking him if he could fit my bike,,, after 20 minutes trying,,,we ended up taking ou the brakes and front wheel,,, so after $8.000 i was home, my only thing sore tonite is my pocket,,,hahahahaha...

I´ll def do it again,,but i need to know the people i am going back with for sure,,and be sure they are going,,,so,,unless helena goes or clau goes and come back with me ,,,i dont know how i will do,,,cos i cant pay,,that amount of money every wednesday...anyway,,it was fun.. Amanecera y veremos,,

here the uni I will be teaching on

and some old photos of the nite bike trip,,,

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Long distance conversation and Fat people

I should keep working on the program I am giving the students on monday class,, but hehehe,,,here is my concentration,,,soooo

Today I do have things to tell,, first,, yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i finally talked with Leon after sooooo much time,,, it was awsome to catch up,, share music,,, talk about,, how when he becomes a rich man, he will have his own production design warehouse and i will go work for inmigrant salary,,, or how much i need a ps3 so we can play sing star on internet...or how ,, he is still my weading planner,, and somehow he has the husband tied up under his bed,, hahahahaha

Second,,,this morning i talked to Amanda,,, to bad about her dog,,, i feel sorry for her,, i would be sooo crashed if my dog dies...,,anyway,,was awsome to catch up with her too.. although we did catch up on december.... I think my new years resolution of being conected to msn, whenever i am on the laptop helps,,,

Third,,, i got my diciplinary background today after doing a 2 hour line,,boooring,,,but the exiting thing tomorrow i have the induction to the university I will be teaching,,, the only bad thing is that is too far away,, 2 hours away in bus,, and i have to be there at 7:30 am tomorrow,,,meaning i will have to take the bus at 5:45 amat least!.....I hate waking up early,,, i am a nigth person,,

oh well,,,work is work..

Oh yeh One last thing,,,I HATE SKINNY PEOPLE SAYING THEY ARE FAT!!!!,,, THAT IS UNFAIR TO US FAT PEOPLE!!!!... ok out of my chest....

here some photos with leon and with Amanda,,,and a fat graphic joke

Monday, January 24, 2011

Bueno por fin termine y entregue los benditos videos de registro,, weeeee,,,
Finalmente,,, no me duelen las piernas,, pense que me iba a levantar con un dolor de piernas terrible,, pero no,,, lo que si me duele mucho son las manos ( ni idea porque... a lo mejor agarre el manubrio con mucha fuerza jajajaja) y la cola,,,, sentarse hoy ha sido particularmente divertido, jajaja,,notese la ironia....
No tengo mucho que contar,, fue un dia lento,,, y la verdad como aburrido..jajaja... pero uno mismo se hace el ambiente asi, que ... pongamosle buena cara y aca los dejo con musica que me gusta...
aa si,,, voy a comer pizza yuuummmmmmiiii... bueno solo la parte de arriba porque esta dieta no me deja comer la harina... de todas maneras yummmiiii..

antes de la musica un video que me hacia reir en australia,,, advertencia,, es cruel,,, pero muy gracioso

ahora si musica

Sunday, January 23, 2011

90 km on bike!!!! and nigthmares

yep,,,today i have two major things to tell,,,first one is that i did 90 km on bike and I cant believe it... hahaha.. my body feels it though,,, mostly my, butt,,i cant sit,,hahahahaha,,, and secondly my legs,,, but i guess they will feel worse tomorrow,, so somehow i will have to go work or something on bike to not be sore the whole week.

I went through 4 diferent towns, had an amazing weater,, awsome guides, and friends to tag along,, the only one in terrible shape was me ,,of course the only one complaining,hahaha,,oh well next time i will try to not say anything,,lol,,,but you can easily tell when i am tired,, cos i go soooo slow,,,lol

I havent been able to eat anything,, afterwards because; one,, i cant seem to get the energy to go and fix something to eat,,,, lazinesss,,,; second,,, i drank a glass of water when i arrived home and my stomach didnt like that at all,,, so it seems that my metabolism doesnt like to eat after excersise.... well in the end this is good for the diet so,, ok....

Second thing to tell,, and i never want it to happen so i will tell pretty much everyone..
i had the worst nigthmare in my life last nigth!...

I was back on school with my brother, of course my brother wasnt happy about it,, and i was there only to support my bro, my brother was figting with my mom,, but after a long figth,,my mom left,, my brother then went to the second floor looked down and jumped,,, and i was there seeing the whole thing,, so i run after him when he hit the floor i knew i shouldnt pick him up cos that is not the first aid recomendation,, but i did,,, i carried him unconsious on my arms,, he was very light,, i ran and ran through the whole school,,screaming for an ambulance and then i went out the school and the ambulance arrived and i gave my brother to them and look back ,,some kids brought me some of my brother bones,,, they look like spine bones,,,and i was trying to search for a phone to call mom,,, but when i turned around, saw the doctors putting my bro not on the stretcher, but underneat on a box, and I look to the doctor and said,, ¨he cant be dead¨and he said ¨yes he is¨... it was such a shook when i screamed NO,,, that i woke up.... then of course i couldnt sleep for two hours...keep wanting to go and check on him....i really really hate this dream i wish i couldnt rememer it... darn where is my bad memory now?
anyway,,, now i have told it,,, have terrorized myself with it,,soo here some photos manito took of the bike trip

que tal la sonrrisa de ponque!!! (que no se note el cansancio)

En la plaza de sopo!

Una chistosa

Mis primeros 42 km fuera de la ciudad!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Guayabo.... pirata

bueno,, me tocara retractarme de lo que escribí hace poco en este blog,,,pues hoy toco bonfiest lua...
que dolor de cabezaaaaaaaaaaa.... jajajaja... nunca me habia dado guayabo asi,,, en 27 años de vida,,la primera vez,,, ni siquiera cuando tomaba esas mezclas de todo en yellowstone me daba guayabo... en fin,,, tampoco nunca me habia emborrachado a punta de aguardiente...asi que hay una primera vez para todo...

Tengo mi facebook en pirata weeeeeeeeee,,,, es toda una experiencia,,, muy vacano en serio!..
juro que tenia mas cosas que contar,, pero bueno no me acuerdo, asi que los dejo con esta cancion... que sin duda le cantare a mis hijos algun dia jajajaja

I walked outside one day
And a man was standing there
He had a great big beard
And lots and lots of hair
He said won't you come down to the shore
And join my jolly crew
And we'll wander round the world
Beneath the skies of blue

We'll sail upon the seven seas
Travel near and far
Take from the rich and give to the poor
And say har, har, har, har

We'll go out on the ocean
And when the coast is clear
We'll eat birthday cake
Each day of the year
We'll land on a little island
And then we'll form a choir
Blow on whistles and kazoos
And dance around a fire


If we see the Navy
We will shout with pride
We are scary hairy pirates
So you better run and hide
We'll stamp our feet upon the floor
And our peg legs too
We'll take your stolen treasure
'Cause that's what pirates do

y las mas brutas del universo

Friday, January 21, 2011


I am in a bliss..

I am really happy,, and exited but also freaking out,,, i haven´t had this sensation in ages.
There are so many things to get ready,, so many doctors to visit, and still I have to be authorized by that other country,,, o I migth still not get it,,, but i got acepted by the organization which is awsome and the most important thing.

itsss awsomeeeeeeeee.... men,,,,, i wont have any time to rest for 6 months and a half,, not even one day,,, but it will be worth it...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Music of the night

I seriously love The phantom of the Opera,, it is on studio channel and I keep singing and singing.... it has sooo many good things, I LOVE the story,, i love Gerard Butler,,, i love the photography, the production design the coreography and the songs.... ahhh... i am happy....

I bought cushion pants,,hahaha,,, no seriously,, i use to go the bike road on sundays last year for a month with my cousin... but the most i can remember from it was how badly i felt because my bike keep violating me ,,,, anyway i allways said i would buy a new seat,,but i ended up buying a suit that has the cushions in the rigth places,,lol... anyway,, i am happy for that too

I guess i am just happy today,,, that is awsome..

Here one of the songs i love Past the point of no return

and the lirics of another one i love.... music of the nigth

Night-time sharpens,
heightens each sensation
Darkness stirs and wakes imagination
Silently the senses abandon their defences ...

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour
Grasp it, sense it - tremulous and tender
Turn your face away
from the garish light of day,
turn your thoughts away
from cold, unfeeling light -
and listen to the music of the night ...

Close your eyes and surrender to your
darkest dreams!
Purge your thoughts of the life
you knew before!
Close your eyes,
let your spirit start to soar!
And you'll live
as you've never lived before ...

Softly, deftly,
music shall surround you ...
Feel it, hear it,
closing in around you ...
Open up your mind,
let your fantasies unwind,
in this darkness which
you know you cannot fight -
the darkness of the music of the night ...

Let your mind start a journey
through a strange new world!
Leave all thoughts
of the world you knew before!
Let your soul take you where you
long to be !
Only then can you belong to me ...

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication!
Touch me, trust me savour each sensation!
Let the dream begin,
let your darker side give in
to the power of the music that I write -
the power of the music of the night ...

You alone can make my song take flight -
help me make the music of the night . . .

And the nigthwish version of phantom of the opera.... ( i really love Thomas ...sight...)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ser profe y hacer streaptease

VOy a corromper mentes jovenes,,muahahahaha,,,,

lol,,, bueno eso si me sale el trabajo de profe... yo creo que debo tener récord de entrevistas,, en estos últimos dos años he hecho por lo menos 200,, y aun sigo sin trabajo,,, a lo mejor no caigo bien en persona,, jajajaja,,,deberia trabajar mas en eso,,, tal vez,, quedarme callada de vez en cuando ayudaría,,, o hablar mas bajito... aaaa,,, probare en la siguiente

En serio eso de ser profe,, me parece interesante,,, es decir,, eso de compartir conocimientos y hacer mejor a la competencia no es buena idea,,,jajaja,,, pero profe si es uno de esos ¨escenarios¨ cheveres :P

ooo,,, ya recuerdo algo,,,,,, mas bien recordé algo.... la razón por la cual no usaba una blusa de botones muy vacana y que me gusta mucho... la hijuema,,,, blusa es una blusa porno,,,resulta que por alguna razón los ojales son muy grandes y si uno se descuida puede quedar en bola en la mitad de la calle,,,,,, después de que se desabotonara el primer botón en el bus,,, afortunadamente solo fue el primero,,, me toco todo el día estar abotonandome la bendita blusa antes de que hiciera streaptease,, en lugares indebidos,,,
finalmente ya en casa,,, la blusa fue a ropa sucia y volvera a su lugar lejos de mi vista,,,, de nuevo vetada,,,..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Debo estar muy ansiosa,,, jajajaja,,porque ayer paso un muchacho fumando un cigarrillo mentolado, y se me hizo agua la boca,,, no me lo podia creer,, en serio,,de aqui a cuando a uno se le hace agua la boca por un cigarrillo, el caso es,,, que cai,,,, sip,,, cai en el pecado,,,me compre el cigarrillo ,, un tal green,,, ( ya ni conocia las marcas que habian) ,, me supo a gloria,,, estaba tan pero tan rico,,, tambien evalue que la sensacion que da es probablemente la matanza de neuronas,,, un placer extraño,,,
en fin cuando iba a la mitad del cigarrillo me dio remordimiento y bote el resto,, ,,rompi mi record de dos años y un mes sin fumar,,,, que pesar,,,, no me arrepiento,,,pero si me da tristeza haber caido,,,, bueno por lo menos mi dieta se ha mantenido,, y esa si no la he incumplido.

A proposito,,, cuidarse si que sale muyy costoso,,, se me habia olvidado
entre dieta, maquillaje, shampoo especial y cremas,, en dos dias 340.000,,,, por dios,,, y nada mas el mercado me salio a 280.000,,,que horror... ahora si necesito que me paguen,,, quede muy pobre...

bueno mañana dos entrevistas,,, espero que me vaya bien,,, y me den los dos trabajos,,,y asi puedo decidir con cual me quedo..

Monday, January 17, 2011

Me salve de quedar bajo un carro.!!!

bueno,,, juro que tenia algo que postear aquí ayer pero no recuerdo que era.....
hmmm,,, ayer rol,,, sábado en la noche,,,, o siiiii,, Enredados,,, genial,, que buena peli,,, mi único comentario, es ... wow,,, disney ya es muy moderno,,,, que tal ese beso al final,,, si mal no recuerdo los besos de Disney era todos picos,, pero no,,, el de esta película es beso de verdad....como han cambiado los tiempos.. jajajajaja...
NOTA: crear mi Letal Weapon tipo Flint Rider..

A ya se que era lo de contar,,,,bueno después de 7 años volví a patinar con mis patines de street speed racing,, y yo muy confiada me monte en ellos ,, muy fresca,,, pero resulta que lo primero que hay en mi apto es una bajada,, son dos cuadras largas hacia abajo a la 9na (una avenida principal,, con muchos, muchos,, muchos,,,,, muchos ,, carros) ,,, y he cogido velocidad y no me acordaba ni como frenar ni como disminuir la velocidad,,,, jajajajaja,,, yo iba pensando,,, !aquí fue!.... si llegaba a media cuadra, estaba dispuesta a tirarme al piso y rodar,,,,, pero,,,Brigit Jones me salvo,, porque me acorde de una escena (video abajo) y eso me hizo hacer click en como disminuir la

Finalmente fui con mi madre helena hasta donde Claudia,,, nos demoramos dos horas,,, pero a la media hora por fin ya le había cogido practica de nuevo a mis patines...
hoy lo que puedo decir es ,,, Ou,, Ou,,, Ou,,, yep me duelen un resto las piernas jajaja..
Bueno y resolucion del año nuevo,,, siempre que vaya a rol,,, que no sea donde Cesar (es que vive muy lejos) me voy en cicla,,,, con madre...

acá el vídeo que me salvo de la matada ayer,, desde el minuto 2..

aquí el trailer de enredados, hmmmmmmmmmmmm ya me la quiero repetir!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Buenos recuerdos

vaya,, me estoy volviendo perezosa con esto de nuevo.... jajaja...
nota a mi misma: cumplire esta promesa a mi misma.... ( y a mi psiquiatra) seguire escribiendo aca a diario..

Bueno en dos dias que ha pasado?... vi la bella y la bestia,,,, def adoro esa pelicula de disney,,, me estoy adelantando en fringe.... que serie tan buena y esta super interezante..
fui a homedata,,, estuvimos creando el perfil visual de instrafriends,,, basicamente un ripoff de facebook... jajaja... pero para ganar plata,,, si alguien quiere vincularse a los trials,,

en Ocade estuvimos buscando las fotos para la nueva pagina web.. y encontre unas joyas... en especial el primer dia de preescolar de mi hermanito,,,, tan lindo que era,, todo feliz,, era un niño muy feliz... en fin...

tome fotos en angulos raros (las fotos son tomadas en angulo raro.. exactamente algo llamada picada) con mi perro.

No tengo mucho que escribir,, aun pienso lo mismo,, mi vida no ha avanzado mucho,,, excepto si hablo de Carlos D,,, con el decidimos reencontrarnos para hablar de cruceros...

pero si hay mucho que mostrar asi que foticos...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Kitten mode on....

Yep today i have my kitten mode on,, hahaha,,, Kylie, Leon,,, its been ages,, wish you could answer back on the fun conversations...

anyway talking about animals,,, yesterday i went to play ¨risk¨ which i didnt end up playing, ( ended up playing, cacho, ring of fire, and domino cubano) and for some extrange reason we started figuring out what animal noises each of us could do..
soo here my list

I can do a cat mew and purrr.
I can do the noise of a baby chicken and various kind of bird noises
I can bark like a small dog
I can cuak like a baby duck
I can make the meeeeeeeeh noise of a shep
I can do one horse noise but i dont know the name of it
hmmm i think that is it!!!

I drunk almost half of a sweet Vermouth bottle,,because I for some reason had bad luck at the dices playing threeman... out of 15 games i lost 14.... bad bad,,luck cos i ended up hating the thing,,,it is wayyyyyyyyyyy tooo sweet.....

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

hmmm today...
letss see..

Cacho is a pretty fun game with dices,,,noted in my party games along with Papelitos,, i want to papelitos, havent played it in a loooong time..

Figurella has open again soo i am coming back.... yay... need diet to see the results..

Monserrat is a pretty nice place... and after talking abit i feel better about it...still i kind of wish i dontt have to do it...anyway... i think i will end up there too.

Here something educational

Según un estudio médico, esta bebida puede traer varios beneficios si se consume con moderación.

Los efectos positivos sobre la salud se generan si las personas toman hasta medio litro diario de cerveza y siguen una dieta como la mediterránea.

Los médicos Ramón Estruch, del Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Clínic, y Rosa Lamuela, del departamento de Bromatología y Nutrición de la Universidad de Barcelona, aseguraron que su estudio demuestra que la cerveza, bebida con moderación, no provoca aumento de la masa corporal ni acumulación de grasa en la cintura.

El ensayo, realizado sobre una muestra de 1.249 participantes, hombres y mujeres mayores de 57 años, que por la edad tienen un mayor riesgo cardiovascular, confirmó la hipótesis de que la cerveza es saludable, según sus autores.

Esta bebida aporta una cantidad de ácido fólico, vitaminas, hierro y calcio mayor que otras, y provoca un efecto "protector" sobre el sistema cardiovascular.

La cerveza es una bebida fermentada que recibe las propiedades alimenticias de los cereales con que se produce, al igual que el vino recibe las de la uva, o la sidra las de la manzana, según explicó la doctora Lamuela.

Los bebedores de cantidades "normales" de cerveza presentan una menor incidencia de diabetes mellitus e hipertensión, y un índice de masa corporal inferior.

Además, estas personas "manifestaron consumir una mayor cantidad de verduras, legumbres, pescado, cereales y aceite de oliva y realizar una mayor actividad física", indicó Estruch.

La investigación también reveló que los participantes que bebían cerveza de forma moderada referían un consumo más elevado de proteínas y carbohidratos, incluida la fibra, que los no bebedores.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

After trip... a good friend

Well there is a lot of things to tell

First one because it just happened is that i LOVE how when my boss needs me instead of me telling him i will go today,,i say... i am sorry i cant go today,,, but now that you called me, could you please pay me what you owe me??... i mean,, it is just fun how ¨le sale el tiro porla culata¨ hahaha that is a funny saying indeed.... aaannyyyway...

Second.. Still scared, now that I am firm in my decision to take the decision my parents can´t take,, I keep waiting for the bubble to explode,,, i am on edge,,,and it has me nervous and absent minded,, that makes me sad.... To this i have to say,, thank you Clau-chan for being there when i need you and it´s really most important, you are a great support, thanks for being my friend, sister, Psychologist and Butler... I will have to give back the butler rights at some point.

Talking about absent minded, I discovered i can really drink a can of beer in one shoot, i didn't count it but pretty fast too,,,so this oktoberfest i think i will try on the 2 huge glasses of beer competition. My cousin won last one i will win this one.

After coming back from the hell vacations, I am as white as i left,,,the freaking sun showed up 15 min one day,,and exactly the moment we checkout from the hotel...

Now Photos of Clau and me...

Monday, January 10, 2011

Preparing to be hated

So,, I do not want this, i am worried, but i have to do it,,, cos it will be for (...) own good.
But (...) cannot hate them cos (...) needs support, so it is my obligation.
I have to say i enjoyed the good times and that i sincerelly hope (...) doesnt hate me after what i will have to do...
Ido this because I love (...)..
But anyway,, this sucks, this suck a lot,,, and i hate ithas to be me.

I am ready, I will do it.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Si yo fuera narco, seria una matona

Si yo fuera narco,,, seria muy alzada,,, ademas seria una matona...
bueno el dia estuvo lleno de rancheras, corridos prohibidos y vallenato..
llego al hotel un narco,,, no hay de otra tiene que serlo,,, tiene 2 guardespaldas con cara de sicarios, y dos lindas niñas,,, con cara, ucerpo y pinta de prepagos,,..
el caso,, es que todo el hijuemadre dia sono esa musiquita a TODO VOLUMEN!!!,,, y yo con un hermano que no soporta el mas minimo ruido,,,, jajaja,,, todo un paraiso,,,, nadie se atrevio a decir nada,,, el tipo se sento a tomar todo el dia,, y se adueño del jacuzzi con las niñas prepago.... y entonces,, pues toco aguantarselo ,,, mis papas muy asustados,,,me vieron la cara de enojo,,, y me dijeron ni se le ocurra irse a quejar,,,, pero es que yo soy muy terca,,, y me tenia mamada esa musiquita asi que muy decentemente fui al bar y pedi un poco de variedad en la musica,, y que porfavor bajaran el volumen de la musica,,,, el barman apago la musica por hmmmm 3 minutos,,, y luego empezode nuevo,,, jajaja,,, el poder de la plata...
Eso me puso a pensar,,,, que haria yo si fuera una narco,,,, y de una me vi armando pelea,,, jajajaja,,, con todo y armas,,, definitivamente si fuera narco seria una matona,,,, toda una Bully profesional,,,,
en fin,,,, que jartera ese tipo,,, creo que este hotel,,, ha sido betado de nuestras vacaciones familiares...

Friday, January 07, 2011

Maldita Esquizofrenia

Bueno estoy en un cuarto de hotel encerrada con mis padres y mi hermano,,,, mi hermano esta en crisis otra vez,,, yo se que es porque debido a estar en este paseo no le hemos podido dar lo 10 mg completos de la pasta,,, solo 5 mg,,,,
El no hace sino dar vueltas en un espacio de 2x2 metros y gritar,,, que lo maten,,, que nos vayamos donde no hay ruido,,, pero no hay ruido,,,, no se escucha nada,,,, tenían que poner ese regeton de porquería hoy ,,,,ya hasta me cae mal este hotel...
y entonces pienso,, cuando es cuando,,, cuando se debe llevar al hospital?,,,, según mi psicóloga,,, es cuando tiene armada una historia completa,,, la alucinación pregunto que dirán los vecinos... sera que alguien llamara a la policía?,,,,
y realmente no puedo hacer nada ,,,,solo mirar,,, aguantarme y ser paciente,,,,,
si algún día les pasa algo a mis padres,,,, mi hermano va a ser mi responsabilidad,,,, y entonces?

Esto me baja el animo,,, me preocupa,,, y hosnestamente me hace sentir una inútil,,, inútil porque no hay nada que pueda hacer para solucionar el hecho de que me afecta....
ahhhh,,,este es uno de esos momentos que digo,, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! puta vida...

Los dejo con la definición.

La esquizofrenia (del griego, schizo (σχίζειν): «división» o «escisión» y phrenos (φρήν, φρεν-): «mente») es un diagnóstico psiquiátrico en personas con un grupo de trastornos mentales crónicos y graves, caracterizados por alteraciones en la percepción o la expresión de larealidad.1 La esquizofrenia causa además una mutación sostenida de varios aspectos del funcionamiento psíquico del individuo, principalmente de la conciencia de realidad, y una desorganización neuropsicológica más o menos compleja, en especial de las funciones ejecutivas, que lleva a una dificultad para mantener conductas motivadas y dirigidas a metas, y una significativa disfunción social.

Los síntomas de la esquizofrenia suelen comenzar en adultos jóvenes y aproximadamente 0,4-0,6% de la población se ve afectada.5 6Una persona con esquizofrenia, por lo general, muestra un lenguaje y pensamientos desorganizados, delirios, alucinaciones, trastornos afectivos y conducta inapropiada.7 El diagnóstico se basa en las experiencias reportadas por el mismo paciente y el comportamiento observado por el examinador. No existen actualmente pruebas de laboratorio para el diagnóstico de la esquizofrenia y ninguno de los síntomas es patognomónico de esta condición, lo que dificulta el diagnóstico.

una pelicula con la esquizofrenia como tema,,, y asi viven en serio

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Vertical Shower

So yeh,,now i am in Villavicencio in a hotel called ¨El Campanario¨ it is a very nice resort,,, i spent most of the afternoon in the jacuzzi,, i just love water...
Anyway i gotta say,,, the best thing is the shower,,, the room shower OMG,,, it is huge and also one of those showers that the water falls from the ceiling... i just love it,,, and with awsome presure so it feels like you are under a waterfall..
What can i say,,, i just have something with water,, i guess some kind of fetiche,,,, hahahaha,,,, anyway,,,, amazing amazing,,, if i had one like that back home,,, i imagine the water price would go soooo high each month......

The hotel is pretty nice,,,food is also delicious,,,, but pretty expensive too....
anyway,, i am tired,,, and i kind of want to go back to my favorite procastination activity.... Facebook.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Dog still at the Vets... my pocket more and more empty everyday....
La cuenta haciende a $350.000 esta noche, amanecera y veremos.

Mañana viajo a villavicencio, no lo conozco pero tengo muchas ganas de ver los llanos... y comer mamona, y hoy no estoy inspirada asi que algo random para que se rian..

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Kings of Leon

Today I feel like english

And so, my dog is staying in the vet until he is fine,,, turns out he is full of parasites,,, poor little thing...anyway at this point i have spent so much money that i dont know if i have money to travel anymore,,,, also dont know if i will be able,,,,not with chiqui soo sick,,,,

oh well....nothing i can do,,,,

I edited today,,,, while listening Kings of Leon,,,, and i really love their music, it has sooo much energy and brings me very good memories of Aussie,, specially of Nic,, he use to love them,,, so everytime we were on his car he would put them on,,, also they went on a concert to my Uni Bond,,,, that was awsome....

So in honor to this listen to them,,,

Monday, January 03, 2011

El cahorrito de 15 años!

Cuantas entrevistas me tocaran antes de pegarle al gordo??
espero que no me falten tantas,,, y que el trabajo para el cual entreviste hoy me salga

Por otro lado...

Hace 1 hora deje a mi perro hospitalizado en el veterinario,,, no se que tiene pero lleva toda la tarde vomitando y cag.... sangre,,, así que apenas llegue a la casa me lo lleve...Me preocupa bastante,,ya tiene 15 años,, y no aguanta tanto...
Hoy le van a poner suero y mañana en la tarde me dan los resultados de los exámenes, espero que no sea extremadamente grave, así que voy a pensar positivamente.

Chiqui ha sido una excelente compañía, y aunque ahora esta ciego y sordo sigue siendo un perro jugueton,,, todavía cuando salgo me dicen,,,,Ay! que bonito el cachorrito,,,,, y yo pienso ,,jajaja,,,si el cahorrito de 15años....

En fin espero que todo mejore......

Una foto del susodicho bronceándose en la sala del apartamento

Sunday, January 02, 2011

I Love Subtext,,its a freaking awsome Languaje

Madre,,, si aun no haz leido el post ¨especial¨ para ti,,, es el dia 30 de diciembre de 2010 es decir dos post abajo.

Estoy Felizzzz!!! Hoy estuve en Pacho,,, sip es el nombre de un pueblo,,,, fuimos con mi familia a una caminata ecologica,,,bueno ya llevamos 7,,, es 1 por mes,,y esta fue la de este mes.

Fuimos a un rio que estaba muy crecido y vimos 2 cascadas.. la verdad este paseo me sirvio mucho,, todo ya esta bien en mi vida,,,adoro como se arreglan las cosas.. jaja,,,mi drama bueno ese se arreglo de una manera muy bizarra mientras jugaba rol,,, solo puedo decir que adoro el subtexto, es lo mejor del mundo..
Bueno no todo esta arreglado mi salud sigue igual,, y aun no tengo trabajo pero lo demas esta bien,,como dicen dos amigos,,,ahora si vuelvo a la C.A.O... jajajajaja

Vi muchos caballos hoy,, adoro los caballos,, son elegantes, poderosos, y veloces... hmmm, definitavemente algun dia tendre finca con caballos.

Este post esta super Random, jajaja,,, bueno asi soy yo,,, es mas tengo traje de Super Random,, fue mi disfraz hace 3 años... en fin...como dice el Pibe -- Todo bien--todo bien.

Hoy estoy feliz! ;)

Aca les dejo en honor a este post,, mi foto con el disfraz de ¨SUPER RANDOM¨ probablemente el traje que mas llevo puesto bajo la ropa (tipo superman) LoL

Saturday, January 01, 2011

31- nite1 - morning

Bueno madre si no has leido el mensaje que es especialmente para ti,,, es el post del 31 de 2010,es decir el anterior a este!.,,, claro siempre puedes leer este es de nuestra noche de año nuevo.

Last nite was a good nite, went with my family to a friends house, meet with Claudia and Carlos Ricardo,,, OMG we are sooo freaking old now,, hahahaha,,, anyway i ate good food, talked about geeky things like hackers and risk a lot with Carlos R, made plans to go Octoberfest and dance loads this year with Claudia ( maybe meeting a nice good guy will help get over this one and come back to the way things were before), made my 12 wishes with the grapes, and then went to
mother´s (helena) house where we meet with Montañita and Cesar, we played UNO, and then Risk, and then i was sooooo sleeppy I was done for the nite and sleep in mother´s bed. hahaha (suddenly remember playing Risk with my Aussie friends and how lost they where doing it,, hahahaha)

Anyway, now that 2010 year is over i can honestly say there was only one good thing about it, getting my friendship back and better than it was before with Claudia Arana.

Last year sucked,, i was sick every 3 weeks, no one still knows exactly why, No love whatsoever, some Friends with Rigths proposals but i just dont want that now,,,so no prince charming, ,,, hahahaha,,, and no steady job,,, so no money.... yeh that was the year!... i am hopping better things for this one.

I am a bit angry with Claudia not good for starting the year but i found yesterday that she told the guy i like that i liked him,,, yeh i feel like in school,, but she wasn´t authorize to do that, now of course things have gone all wrong,,,,, all I can say about it is something i allways say,, men are men they dont think with their head they think with the brainless head,,, and soo well crappy situation now,,,, hopefully by chilling a bit and some time things will get better and i will go back to my previous, not liking like that, state of mind....

Now photos of the man than made me redefine the way i think of japaneses and guys.
Matumoto Jun